Places I’ve been: In pictures


I always feel in a weird limbo after I’ve just booked a trip. Almost like I’m floating through life in a daydream, waiting for my next adventure to happen.

The difference this time though is that I’m not just going on a holiday. I’ve not got the comfort of an all-inclusive, two week package-jobby to look forward to and buy lots of generic neon bikinis for, whilst ‘real life’ is waiting to slap me in the face by the time I get back. Nope, I’m actually heading off on a one-way ticket with a just backpack, passport and a few couple of pairs of shoes. That’s it. It’s liberating!

Anyway, all this daydreaming got me to thinking it would be a good idea to write down where I’ve been before, before I become this er, ‘seasoned’ traveller (I wish!)… and it turns out, I’ve not done half bad so far!


July 2014. New York. On top of the Empire State Building with my sister and Dad (Mum was skulking in Macy’s, avoiding stairs, high heels and heights in general).

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2015: The Year of Adventure


So you’ll probably have stumbled across my puny blog amongst a colourful array of others, in a blur of beautifully framed, exquisitely filtered images and awe-inspiring travel articles… wondering how on earth you ended up here. Either that or you are one of my few loyal reader(s), mainly my Mum. Well I’m new to all of this, so just hear me out.

My name’s Hannah and I’m a self-confessed dreamer.

I don’t think I’m alone in saying that I’ve spent the past few years romanticising where I might travel to next, heck we all do it! We hope, we plan and we fantasise about the perfect trip, then make our excuses; ‘not enough money, ‘it’s not right time’, ‘I’m not ready’ yada yada… and put it all off for yet another month. Well this time I decided to bite the bullet…

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